Summer is in but the folks have to stay in! Beating the scorching sun is not a problem with frosty treats hanging about. But, what if I tell you that you don’t need to order out to satisfy your sweet tooth? Here are four simple ways to use ordinary pantry ingredients that would certainly be worth your time!
1. Homemade ice cream

Bust out the blenders and whisks cause it is all we need for this homemade version of ice cream. In a container, whip Nestle Cream until it becomes a soft peak mixture then, fold in condensed milk with an optional splash of vanilla (with or without vanilla, it still works!). Add any other fruits, sweet powders (like milo), and cookies if desired. Want the recipe?
Click here!
I prefer drizzling honey into the mixture and swirling it around with a fork or a chopstick. Not only is it visually pleasing but you get a good, alternating flavor between the honey and vanilla ice cream. Such a perfect partner with pandesal!
No cream? No problem! Whip up some cream yourself with chilled evaporated milk and white sugar (or confectioners). Click here for the recipe.
2. Guilt-free banana ice cream

Who knew that bananas can make such good ice cream with the same exact creaminess and sweetness you can get in a pint. Freeze bananas for a good 1-2 hours. Blend and serve. Do not worry about it being all clumpy while blending, it is supposed to do that. Continue until it reaches a nice, creamy consistency… or not if you like a good chunk of banana in some bites.
My siblings and I enjoy a good cup of this with peanut butter, oreos, or a dollop of cream. If you’re still hesitant, try the recipe with 1-4 bananas because it can fill around 2 shot glasses of ice cream. If you want to prepare it in advance, I suggest freezing the bananas beforehand and only take out the amount needed.
3. Shaved ice

Who does not go nuts for some shaved ice? Grab some ice cubes from the fridge, blend it with a blender or food processor, and add whatever toppings you want! Just be sure to blend with smaller ice pieces to get a creamy texture.
Top with fruit, syrups, and even powdered chocolate, whatever satisfies the craving! Go one step further and make your own fruit syrup by simmering fruit, sugar, and water in a pan. Smash the fruit while mixing until it creates a thick texture. Strain or blend it, then voila!
Need a syrup tutorial? Click here
Still not enough? Crush the fruit and combine it (and its juice) with water. Freeze, then blend. Tada! Flavored shaved ice without any syrup.
No blender? A sharp grater will get the job done! It just requires a little bit of arm strength but, trust me, it’s worth it. Just be mindful of the pointy edges.
4. Frozen soda

Hear me out. Many of you may have known this, others do not. To those who haven’t tried it yet, now is the perfect time to do so! All you need to do is to freeze a bottle of coke for a few hours, defrost it just enough to get its contents out of the bottle and serve. For easy access transfer the liquid into another container. If you are not a soda drinker, the same can be achieved with frozen juice and shakes. A little bit of something for all kinds of people.
And there you have it! Four easy desserts to beat the heat Try it and see if it works for you! No matter what the output is, it would still end up being deliciously delectable.