Clark International Airport’s deep regard for the honored OFW travelers is demonstrated clearly.
With its OFW Lounge at the new four-level terminal, Clark International Airport presents this dedicated space for OFW welcome and comfort.
“Through the OFW Lounge, we extend to our country’s modern-day heroes this facility for their exclusive use. The workers, who may be coming home for their scheduled breaks to be reunited with their families or who may be headed for long periods of stay in host countries, or who may be traveling for recreation, truly deserve special attention,” states Miss Bi Yong Chungunco, CEO of the Luzon International Premier Airport Development Corp. (LIPAD) which operates and manages the airport.

The OFWs have formed a part of frequent airport users. And with an aviation and logistics-centric master plan laid out for Clark, the airport is expected to attract more travelers, including more OFWs and other travelers of diverse backgrounds.
Miss Chungunco cites the role the airport takes in spurring growth in Central and Northern Luzon. LIPAD, she says, believes in the growth potential of the area. “We have a growing catchment area in Central and Northern Luzon, due to the rapid rise of Clark as a preferred hub for business, economic and leisure activities.”

President Duterte recently led government officials in inspecting the new terminal and cited it as a “massive achievement” for the country’s infrastructure program. Of particular interest are the contactless amenities such as self check-in kiosks that can process transactions with QR codes scanned from smart phones.
Among those with him was Transport Secretary Arthur Tugade who, in an earlier visit, cited the airport as something that “can be called a masterpiece.”
About the LIPAD Corporation
Luzon International Premier Airport Development Corporation (LIPAD) is a special purpose company established to manage the operations and maintenance of Clark International Airport. The members of LIPAD Corporation are Filinvest Development Corporation, JG Summit Holdings Inc., Philippine Airport Ground Support Services Inc., Changi Airports Philippines (I) Pte. Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Changi Airports International. The consortium members each have vast experience in airport operations, air transportation, and property development. LIPAD Corporation has committed to bringing in this expertise to transform Clark International Airport to a world-class airport.