
Importance of Physical Fitness

National Physical Fitness month may be months away, but engaging in a healthy fitness routine can be done this early for several good reasons. For those who need a little push, here are some noteworthy benefits of physical fitness and why you should start making a move today.

It boosts overall health.

Regular exercise is an important part of staying healthy and keeping your weight in check. Not only does keep your lungs and heart healthy, but it strengthens your muscles and bones. Mounting studies also show that regular physical activity significantly reduces the risk for diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, Type 2 diabetes, cancers, and more. 

If you don’t have time to go to the gym, a 30-minute walk 5 days a week will do says the CDC. You may also take up outdoor games or sports, go cycling, or hiking as ways to exercise. 

You might like to read our article on Hikers share why hiking should be on your to-do list this 2020 to help you be inspired and think over to at least trying hiking.

It helps prolong your life span.

Because it helps prevent diseases, one of the benefits of physical fitness through physical activity also aids in increasing your life expectancy. Studies who that physically active people live longer than their less active counterparts. The Lancet Medical Journal says that one in every 10 premature deaths are due to lack of exercise, while the American Heart Association estimates that about 250,000 deaths annually result from a lack of exercise. This almost equates to the average number deaths that are due to smoking. 

It promotes mental health.

During exercise, the body releases endorphins and serotonin – also called happy hormones – which help lower anxiety, stress, and tension. These hormones aid in blocking negative thoughts,uplifting one’s mood, and ensuring a good night sleep.

Physical activity also encourages positive changes in the brain, promoting new growth and activity that yield a sense of calm and happiness. 

Scientists are also suggesting that doctors include physical activity in recommendations for patients suffering with depression. One Harvard study shows that a 15-minute run or one-hour walk a day  decreases the risk of depression up to 26%, and prevents relapse. In fact, a lot of people use exercise and outdoor activities like hiking as a natural way to combat moderate depression. 

It increases strength and stamina for more rigorous activity.

Physical fitness enhances flexibility, bone density, and muscle strength. As your muscles grow and bone stronger, you also gain better balance and become better producted against injury from a fall or slip. This strength also makes you more resilient for other physical activities. If you’re planning to do wall climbing or mountain climbing, adding daily exercise into your routine is a great start.

If you’re too scared to go outdoors right away, you might want to try indoor climbing just to start with. Later on, you can then slowly introduce yourself to go for the outdoors.

It saves you health-related expenses.

Something that don’t get factored in a lot when exercise is discussed are the  financial savings – not to mention, the worries – that it offers in the long run. A healthy body means less disease and less injury, preventing unwanted hospitalization and other healthcare costs in the long term. 

What other benefits do you reap from staying physically fit? Do you have a daily exercise regimen to gain or maintain your physical fitness? Share them with us!

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